Welcome to the Library/Media Center
Welcome to the Midway Media Center!
If you are a returning student we are SO glad to have you back! If you are a new student we cannot wait to meet you! Our goal in the Midway Media Center is to foster a love of reading and grow future ready students through literature and technological support. We are excited about the new school year and the opportunity to build life long readers. We are WILD about Books here and want our students to feel the same.
Please review our Circulation Policy with your student.
Circulation Policy
- Each student in Kindergarten may check out one book for as long as two weeks.
- Each student in 1st thru 5th grade may check out 2 books for as long as two weeks.
- Students may renew a book for an additional two weeks.
- There are no fines for overdue materials.
- 5. Students may not check out any materials if they have overdue, lost or damaged books that have not been returned or paid for.
We look forward to serving you this year!!
Ms. Williams-Librarian/Media Coordinator Mrs. Perrell-ETMS/Media Assistant